CSA Newsletter 9/16/20


Cold last night, first fire of the year. A home is a magical place when the wood stove is going, who knows why, something having to do with ambient heat, a hot soul. A home is also a magical place in the rain with the radio on low and some coffee within reach. A home is also a magical place when people meet at a table to unwind, eat food, and play board games.

Cold last night, the Butternut squash took a little frost hit, a small mark left on them. Farmer Dylan calls it a water mark – dew freezing on the skin causes a slight discoloration. It is mostly a cosmetic thing, maybe they wont fly with the uptown crowd anymore... never get to fall in love, never get to be cool…

Cold last night, we were just complaining about how hot it was. How the heat was impossible to deal with. Now look at us – wearing flannels and gearing up to buy that annual bottle of Pumpkin Spice coffee creamer. Just one small bottle a year though, anything else would be uncouth, uncivilized. Good sleeping weather though, I tell ya.

Cold last night, I broke the tractor again but all of the onions look great so its win some lose some and aint that how it always goes? You stub your toe bending to pick a four leaf clover. You smash the tip of your thumb hammering the last nail of the day. You go to pick up a Butternut and it explodes into foul orange slime all over your hand. Well I guess that one is just a lose but…

Cold last night but on the West Coast the world is on fire. In the streets of our cities the world is on fire. In the halls of power, the world is on fire. In places I don't even know the world is on fire. A deadly virus whips across the nation like a wildfire and everywhere people are standing up to say hey man this is a bad deal. How many things can you choose to not believe in – racism, equality, climate change, science itself – before you no longer believe in anything at all? Where, then, is reality? Our hearts go out to all of those who are suffering, we believe in a better world for all of you and for all of us and we fight for it too.

May you be well, may you be happy, may you be free.

Stowell P Watters


CSA Newsletter 9/30


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