Tomato, Heirloom

from $3.00

This crop will not be available for pick up until the third week of May but can be pre-ordered.

Pink Brandywine
Lycopersicon esculentum is a meaty heirloom beefsteak. Can be somewhat fussy to grow but is worth the effort for its luscious 1lb fruits.

Ruby Gold
Lycopersicon esculentum is our all time favorite heirloom tomato. Gorgeous red/yellow/orange marbled interior is smooth in texture and mild in taste.

Cherokee Purple
1 lb fruits are dusky pink to purple with sweet meaty flesh.

Green Zebra
This unique variety is ripe when the striping turns yellow/gold with a backdrop of green. Juicy medium sized fruits.

German Johnson

Highly productive pink heirloom, earlier than Brandywine

Mark Twain

Large red heirloom. Deep red interior color and full-bodied flavor.

Indigo Apple

4-6 oz stunning shiny black to matte purple fruit.

Heirloom Mix Pack 1
Can't choose just one Heirloom variety? We know what that's like and we've got you covered. This mix pack comes with 2 each Pink Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, and Ruby Gold.

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from $3.00
Tomato, Grape
Husk Cherry
Corn, Sweet